Friday, 17 May 2019

How do you explain the ultimate truth?

From Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching, Volume 2


476. Master Tianyi Huai said to an assembly, "Skillfully able to distinguish the characteristics of all things without moving from the ultimate truth" -- how do you explain this principle of distinguishing? I will try to distinguish: the four directions are it, in the mountains is it, the communal hall, Buddha shrine, kitchen, triple gate, and 'here' are it, in the teaching hall is it, the whole land is it; monks are monks, the laity is the laity. How do you explain the ultimate truth? If you can understand here, you pierce old Vimalakirti's nostrils. If you don't understand, wait till Aniruddha emerges in the world.

Note: Aniruddha was one of Gautama Buddha's top ten disciples, foremost in clairvoyance. To emerge in the world means to emerge as a Buddha.


wrrdgrrl: In what way is explaining the ultimate truth related to understanding?

How does one apply/practice "skillfully distinguishing the characteristics of all things without moving from the ultimate truth"?


Submitted May 17, 2019 at 10:55PM by wrrdgrrl

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