Thursday, 16 May 2019

Foyan wonders actively and deeply.

Instant Zen | Wonder

Association with good companions is a serious recom­mendation of the ancient sages. Students today should fol­low the words of the Buddhas and Patriarchs by finding a teacher to attain discernment. Otherwise, how can you call yourselves students?

If you want to clarify this matter, you must arouse wonder and look into it.
If you wonder deeply about this matter, tran­scendental knowledge will become manifest.


The task of the journey just requires the sense of doubt to cease.
If you do not actively wonder, how can the sense of doubt cease?

My teacher was thirty-five years old before he became a monk. He stayed in the city of Chengdu to listen to lectures on The Hundred Phenomena as Only Representation. There he heard a saying of how when a Buddhist enters the path of insight, knowledge and principle merge, environment and mind join, and there is no distinction between that which realizes and that which is realized.


There is no distinction between that which realizes and that which is realized.

Submitted May 16, 2019 at 03:23PM by UhExistence

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