Thursday, 16 May 2019

Bodhidharma's Teaching on Peace of Mind

[Extract from 232] "If you see conceptually, you experience things like boiling water and burning coals, witnessing the appearances of birth and death. If you see the nature of the universe, it is the nature of nirvana. Have no conceptual thought, and there is the nature of the universe" (Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching: Volume 1).

Comment: The world we know and recognize through our senses including our thoughts and concepts is conditioned, not unconditioned. If we wish to see the nature or essence of the universe—well, it is unconditioned. This means that we have to attain nirvana which is never other than unconditioned which in Zen means no-thought 無念 or the same, no-mentation since thought and mentation are conditioned.

Submitted May 16, 2019 at 08:34PM by Mumagic

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