Monday, 5 March 2018

Two things: One, this subreddit has been around for nine years!!! And two, consider using a bench instead of cushion.

I'm amazed at how long this place has been around. So much has happened in that time. So many people practicing and studying zen, often struggling, sometimes finding lightness and ease, and maybe sometimes finding insight and connecting with life in intimate and loving ways. I just think it's pretty cool.

I sat cross-legged on a cushion for many years, and eventually didn't like what was happening to my legs, so I got a bench. It's great. Keeps my back nice and straight, without any of the weird lop-sided ness coming from doing half-lotus (full was always too much of a stretch for me, and after 15 minutes I'd be dying).

Submitted March 06, 2018 at 05:23AM by charmander12345678

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