Wednesday 6 December 2017

What is the Great nirvana?

'Noble son, there is “Nirvāṇa" but that is not Mahā-nirvāṇa ['Great nirvana’]. Why is Nirvāṇa not Mahā-nirvāṇa? The elimination of the afflictions [kleśa] without having seen Buddha-dhātu [Buddha-element] is called "nirvāṇa" and not Mahā-nirvāṇa. Thus, because one has not seen the Buddha-dhātu there is no permanence, nor Self [ātman], though there is bliss and utter purity. Hence, even though the afflictions have been eliminated, it should not be called "Mahā-nirvāṇa". When one has seen the Buddha-dhātu and eliminated the afflictions, that is called "Mahā-nirvāṇa". Because of having seen the Buddha-dhātu, it is said to be permanent, Self, blissful and utterly pure and therefore that elimination of the afflictions is said to be Mahāparinirvāṇa' [Great, complete nirvana]. — Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra 大般涅槃經

Submitted December 06, 2017 at 11:04PM by Dhammakayaram

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