Thursday 7 December 2017

To illumine within

"The essence of your ignorance is actually the nature of subtle luminosity of your basic awareness: because you do not understand the root source of birth and death, you cling to the false as true; according to the influence of falsehood, it makes you fall into repetitious routines and experience all sorts of misery.

If you can turn awareness around to illumine within, you will spontaneously realize the original true nature is unborn and undying.

That is why it is said that the true nature of ignorance is actually the nature of buddhahood, and the illusory empty body is actually an embodiment of reality.

The unclean physical body has no ultimate reality at all: it is like a dream, like an illusion, like a shadow, like an echo. Flowing in waves of birth and death for countless eons, restlessly compelled by craving, emerging here, submerging there, piles of bones big as mountains have piled up, oceans of pap have been consumed" (Dahui, The Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching Volume 1 §19).

Submitted December 07, 2017 at 09:17PM by Dhammakayaram

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