Thursday 7 December 2017

Posts in this subreddit.

I submitted a link earlier today that was a chain of comments on a picture from another subreddit. I thought the discussion resembled some of the things that are contested in this subreddit. It was not explicitly quoting Zen Masters, nor discussing koans, or sutras.

For any of you who saw it, was it not 'zen' enough? If the discussion is about the nature of definition, of phenomena and our perceptions of them (mind?), how is this not zen?

If we are bound to posting only quotes from zen masters or youtube videos of gurus, how is that zen? Why can't the discussion of zen be expanded? I find it difficult to define what wouldn't fall under the umbrella of what we discuss in here.

Submitted December 08, 2017 at 07:48AM by Troaweymon42

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