Thursday 6 July 2017

Which way

The moment a man concerned about himself is the moment the whole play bubbles up. It imposes the idea of a man somewhere (behind the curtains, along with everything, at the center, everywhere) that has goals, means, and the reward. Desires/concerns that should be resolved for you to say you're in the right way, and the will to accomplish it.

As something is made accomplished there goes satisfactory feeling, the feeling of right. Like an explosion quick, the whole story is told once again from the beginning. Satisfaction and right merge and represent the same path. The idea about the right path serves the wheel completely and all means available are put into its work. The idea of means implies them to be put into the wheel.

There comes a time when it starts to be a trap. The man feels himself in the wrong place, caught and caged. The reality becomes something that just doesn't offer enough, therefore bounds him into itself. All his means are now put into resolving this concern, there comes no reward and the only way in the wheel is to try harder. There, the man pulls out all his tricks he can come up to.

After the man doesn't succeed in rearranging the world the way desired, he wonders if he himself is a problem. He supposes that to resolve it once and for all he needs to know himself, to have the complete idea of what himself is. After all, why is that the world does not have the right place for you when you grow right out of it, there probably just some confusion so you must need an insight to not fall for it. Some time of unsuccess is passed, this urge goes into the background and he thinks maybe he just should look at the world differently, switch the idea of it, maybe exterminate the whole idea upon it at all.

The man tries to look at the world as it comes, to abandon the idea about himself aside from it, to shatter the whole understanding, to give up the idea of comprehending it. Any way tried doesn't seem to lead to the desired point of resolution. The man waits for the reward to guide him. The man is lost in a wheel with no reward to shine the path towards it. Nothing to tell him if the path taken is right.

Submitted July 07, 2017 at 10:18AM by Oeeww

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