Monday 3 July 2017

Fourth Patriarch of Zen on Non-Duality

念佛心心相續、忽然澄寂更無所緣念。大品經云:無所念者是名念佛。何等名無所念。即念佛心名無所念。離心無別有佛。離佛無別有心。念佛即是念心。 求心即是求佛。所以者何?識無形、佛無形。佛無相貌。若也知此道理即是 安心。常憶念佛攀緣不起、則泯然無相平等不二.

Contemplate the Buddha continuously in each moment of thought. Suddenly there will be clarity and serenity, without any object of contemplation. The Mahaprajñaparamita-såtra says: “Being without an object of contemplation is called ‘contemplating the Buddha.’” What is meant by being without an object of contemplation? This very mind that is contemplating the Buddha is what is known as “without an object of contemplation.” Apart from mind there is no buddha, apart from buddha there is no mind. To contemplate the Buddha is to contemplate the mind; to seek the mind is to seek the Buddha. Why so? Consciousness has no form and the Buddha has no form or appearance. To understand this principle is to bring peace to the mind. With constant contemplation of the Buddha there is no grasping at objects, and everything is utterly without marks, equal, and nondual.

From Shoki no zenshi, Yanagida (1971)

Submitted July 04, 2017 at 02:55AM by Dillon123

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